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Location Date/Time of run Run   duration   (mm:ss) Run  distance  (miles) Average Speed (mph)      Average      Pace (m:ss/mile) Average Heart Rate Max  Heart  Rate   Fastest   Mile (m:ss)  Elevation  gain (m) Map Each Mile (m:ss) Shoes Comment
Road - Races - Triathlon - 20180513 Llanelli sprint tri - run 13 May 18 08:31 19:58 3.073 9.24 6:30 160 168 6:20 406view on os maps 6:40  6:30  6:20  6:17 Saucony Type A6 (2)
Road - Races - Duathlon - 20161120 Chilly duathlon - run 2 20 Nov 16 12:57 13:33 1.928 8.54 7:02 163 167 7:02 26view on os maps 7:02  7:02 Saucony Type A6 (2)
Road - Races - Duathlon - 20161120 Chilly duathlon - run 1 20 Nov 16 12:16 13:34 1.978 8.75 6:51 162 170 6:26 25view on os maps 6:26  7:18 Saucony Type A6 (2)
Road - Races - 20161120 Chilly 10k 20 Nov 16 10:14 40:07 6.278 9.39 6:23 167 174 6:06 69view on os maps 6:06  6:22  6:15  6:32  6:26  6:41  6:21 Saucony Type A6 (2) Tough run, but one of my fastest 10k's - and am doing a duathlon 2 hours later
Road - Races - 20161113 Cardiff Mo run 10k 13 Nov 16 11:23 40:18 6.165 9.18 6:32 167 173 6:12 1322view on os maps 6:12  6:30  6:25  6:44  6:46  6:39  6:14 Saucony Type A6 (2) Had hoped to break 40 mins, but struggled in the second half. Not surprising considering how little running I've done recently due to dodgy hip/ares/leg
Road - Races - 20161002 Cardiff half marathon 16 02 Oct 16 10:01 1:27:46 13.140 8.98 6:41 169 178 6:35 141view on os maps 6:42  6:42  6:46  6:45  6:44  6:40  6:42  6:39  6:35  6:46  6:36  6:39  6:38  5:56 Saucony Type A6 (2) Very good run. Set off easy, targetted 45 mins for first half then planned to try to negative splty - and I did! Probably second best run (after manchester marathon) pacing and enjoyment wise, as I didn't go flat out until mybe the last mile. After Hever castle middle distance tri last Sunday very happy with today
Road - Races - Triathlon - 20160903 - Gower olympic tri - run 03 Sep 16 09:47 43:28 5.799 8.00 7:30 157 164 6:59 319view on os maps 8:09  6:59  7:09  8:09  7:15  7:13 Saucony Type A6 (2) Sandy, hilly, very wet
Road - Races - Triathlon - 20160806 Gower Sprint Tri - run 06 Aug 16 09:01 20:15 2.817 8.35 7:11 158 163 7:07 41view on os maps 7:07  7:19  7:07 Saucony Type A6 (2) About half of the run was on sandy beach
Road - Races - Triathlon - 20160721 Cotswold 226 - run 17 Jul 16 12:05 4:09:10 23.830 5.74 10:27 142 163 8:27 266view on os maps 8:27  8:48  8:59  9:01  11:27  9:04  9:19  9:46  9:19  10:29  11:20  10:25  11:33  12:29  10:42  11:05  10:48  11:37  11:36  11:56  11:56  8:59  11:26  10:23 Saucony Type A6 (2) Slowest marathon ever! - was it just the heat (it was hot), or did I overcook the bike?
Road - Races - Triathlon - 20160626 Cardiff tri 2016 run 26 Jun 16 08:44 41:19 6.077 8.82 6:48 162 169 6:44 82view on os maps 6:49  6:46  6:44  6:47  6:51  6:52  6:25 Saucony Type A6 (2) Consistent pace!
Road - Races - Triathlon - Porthcawl Olympic Tri - Run 2016 22 May 16 09:10 40:27 6.001 8.90 6:44 161 168 6:35 85view on os maps 6:50  6:43  6:35  6:54  6:48  6:37  0:00 Saucony Type A6 (2) Not bad, was getting quicker all the way round
Road - Races - Triathlon - Llanelli Sprint Tri - run 2016 15 May 16 09:11 19:34 3.042 9.33 6:26 161 170 6:21 37view on os maps 6:30  6:28  6:21  6:08 Saucony Type A6 (2)
Road - Races - 20160502 Milton Keynes marathon 02 May 16 10:03 3:24:26 26.093 7.66 7:50 157 173 6:36 473view on os maps 6:46  6:51  6:45  6:36  6:48  6:47  6:44  6:54  6:53  6:53  6:47  6:59  7:15  7:26  7:49  7:49  12:18  8:59  8:53  8:54  9:07  9:02  9:03  8:57  8:43  8:01  4:29 Saucony Type A6 (2) Aimed for sub 3 - and failed! Possibly too quick to the half mark at 1:29, but by mile 15 was suffering. Walked mile 17? then ran the rest at 150 hr (9 min mile) - poor
Road - Races - Milton Keynes 5k Rocket 2016 01 May 16 09:00 18:58 3.114 9.85 6:05 164 174 5:52 32view on os maps 5:52  6:11  6:17  5:34 Saucony Type A6 (2) The day before a 3 hour marathon attempt, so weas going to take it easy but predictably smashed it on the day - 4th fastest 5k ever, hard!
Road - Races - 20160410 Manchester Marathon 10 Apr 16 09:01 3:06:47 26.220 8.42 7:07 157 185 6:53 267view on os maps 7:08  6:53  7:00  7:07  7:10  7:08  7:03  7:10  7:02  7:06  7:12  7:06  7:10  7:06  7:09  7:11  7:01  6:54  7:03  7:12  7:00  7:17  7:25  7:21  7:21  7:02  6:43 Saucony Type A6 (2) Perfect run, pretty sure can go sub 3 next time... The day before: Did a 5km run at 09:30, 7:37 min/mile but quite hilly and with several gates, so actual running pace was a bit faster. Had lasagne and chips with a bit of sald for both lunch and dinner. Had a bag of crips and some nut in the evening. Went to bed at may 10:30, but couldn't sleep for what felt like hours. Woke up at 06:30 feeling knackered. Had yogurt and fruit, followed by a bowl of porridge with some sugar, and a glass of oj for brekky, before 07:00. Dont remember drinking or eating anything else. It had frozen over night (frost on cars) and was cold before the start (wore an old t-shirt  which I threw away at the start). Wore ron-hill shorts and running vest, more mile 'London' socks and type a6 Saucony shoes. Lubed up with plenty of vaseline jelly on feet, nips and crotch (but forgot arm pits). Was carrying two SIS Go gels from the start but they had caffeine so I didn't want them until half way. The first water stop was at 6 miles ish so I had a good drink of water and two sis non-caffeine gels in the next mile. I had several good mouthfuls of water at each water station. Think I had a SIS go electolyte gel (possibly raspberry) at maybe mile 10 and it was nice. Then had a normal caffiene gel (cola) at mile 14, and another at maybe mile 18. I tired another electolyte gel at 20-21 miles but couldn't finish it. Then at maybe 23 miles had a double espresso 150mg caffeiene go gel and that was good. Wasn;t sure what pace to go at, decided sub 3 would be too hard, so instead decided 3:0x would be a good time, which is 7:14 or under. So I set off at 7:10's and see how it goes. Wasn't surprised when several miles were ~7:00 but felt good, low hr (after the initial high 180 readings went back to 152 ish) and could breath fine, drink fine, so thought I'd see how long I could do that. At half way my time was 1:32 something, so I thought brill, should be sub 3:10 if I can just maintain this pace. I expected it to get harder af amybe mile 15-18, but was still getting some good times just over 7:00. I think at mile 20ish I saw Ste's yellow calf socks in the distance and though I'd see if I could catch him up. It took maybe 2 more miles but I caught him and we ran together for a bit. but after a bit less than a mile he said he couldn't keep up and dropped back. I was still feeling good, no suggestion og walking nor struggling yet so I kept plugging away. One or two people were walking now and I was overtaking a lot of others. By mile 23 I was feeling tight calves, and I'd felt hot spots in my toes for miles, but nothing too bad. I was getting a little desperate for a caffeien gel which I'd read would be near the end, and finally at maybe mile 23 I got one, and more water. I took a mile to drink the gel and felt good, but my times were now ~7:15 ish, I was slowing a bit. I was still overtaking plenty of people who must have gone out too fast, and by now I had it in my head I'd achieve sub 3:10 as long as I could keep running, and even had thoughts of a negative split, but I was definately slowing down. I tried hard for the 25th mile, and thought I was running well, but the 25th mile was my slowest. The last mile I knew I'd finish string, and maybe  sped up a but, but it was a long last mile. Several mile markers had been 'late; compared to the watch, and the finish was too, maybe the whole run was a bit long. I heard Charlotte and the boys shouting near the finish and managed to give a good smile - I'd done it!  Didn't once think about London Good For Age of sub 3:05 untill the last half mile but realised it wasn't going to be - next time! So I'd ran it all fine, with a good low hr, no problems and just a popped blister on my big toe. Bit of chaffing under my arm pits, and my hr plaster was too high so have a red welt from that, but overall a very good run - brilliant! The next day my calves are very tight when walking, but cycling and swimming is fine. Milton Keynes in 3 weeks? Sub 3? Its got to be worth a try?
Road - Races - 20160403 Bournemouth Bay 10k 03 Apr 16 09:21 40:20 6.219 9.25 6:29 166 173 6:14 68view on os maps 6:14  6:25  6:31  7:08  6:18  6:22  6:08 Saucony Type A6 (2) Hard race - into the wind for the first 3k, then a steep zigzag up to the clifftop really ruined my sub 40min time.
Road - Races - Duathlon - 20160320 F3 Windsor Olympic Duathlon - run 2 20 Mar 16 10:46 20:23 3.140 9.24 6:30 156 165 6:24 26view on os maps 6:32  6:36  6:24  6:02 Saucony Type A6 (2)
Road - Races - Duathlon - 20160320 F3 Windsor Olympic Duathlon - run 1 20 Mar 16 09:01 39:56 6.264 9.41 6:23 162 169 6:16 65view on os maps 6:16  6:23  6:19  6:22  6:26  6:26  6:39 Saucony Type A6 (2)
Road - Races - 20160228 St Davids day 10k 28 Feb 16 12:01 38:42 6.106 9.47 6:20 167 173 6:14 72view on os maps 6:14  6:21  6:20  6:16  6:30  6:25  5:51 Saucony Type A6 (2) New 10k pb (at least it would have been had a bit the full 10k - felt good, worked very hard and 5 of the 6 miles were under 40min 10k pace - superb!
Road - Races - Duathlon - Chilly Duathlon 2016 - Run 2 21 Feb 16 13:15 12:52 1.913 8.92 6:44 164 170 6:49 34view on os maps 6:49  6:38 Saucony Type A6 (2)
Road - Races - Duathlon - Chilly Duathlon 2016 - Run 1 21 Feb 16 12:36 12:09 1.967 9.72 6:11 159 171 6:02 44view on os maps 6:02  6:20 Saucony Type A6 (2)
Totals (21 runs) 20:04:02 161.16 8.03 7:28 161       

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