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Location Date/Time of run Run   duration   (mm:ss) Run  distance  (miles) Average Speed (mph)      Average      Pace (m:ss/mile) Average Heart Rate Max  Heart  Rate   Fastest   Mile (m:ss)  Elevation  gain (m) Map Each Mile (m:ss) Shoes Comment
Road - Races - 20151115 Cardiff Mo Run 15 Nov 15 10:10 38:43 5.860 9.08 6:36 171 176 6:28 50view on os maps 6:28  6:30  6:31  6:46  6:47  6:37 Saucony Type A6 Hard! only 5.8 miles so well short, but pace was nowhere near sub 40 10k time.
Road - Races - 20151004 Cardiff half marathon 15 04 Oct 15 09:00 1:27:03 13.100 9.03 6:39 170 177 6:25 103view on os maps 6:32  6:25  6:32  6:34  6:30  6:36  6:44  6:45  6:39  6:51  6:55  6:46  6:37  6:24 Saucony Type A6
Road - Races - 20150920 Relish 2 Tunnels 10k Bath 20 Sep 15 10:14 40:17 5.461 8.13 7:23 164 176 5:22 69view on os maps 6:43  9:11  6:55  5:53  5:22  5:56 Saucony Type A6 Good but tough run through the two tunnels (hence the poor gps data). COuldn't quite break 40 mins.
Road - Races - Triathlon - Tuska Sprint Tri 2015 - run 16 Aug 15 08:28 19:05 2.989 9.40 6:23 164 173 6:29 40view on os maps 6:36  6:29  6:03 Saucony Type A6 Crap swim, great bike, good run
Road - Races - Triathlon - Outlaw - run 26 Jul 15 12:57 4:09:09 26.024 6.27 9:34 136 156 7:53 191view on os maps 8:55  9:02  8:35  8:37  8:57  8:58  8:53  9:11  8:48  9:24  9:26  9:42  8:59  9:25  8:55  8:40  9:02  9:34  8:42  10:58  11:35  10:54  11:24  13:27  10:59  7:53  9:40 Saucony Type A6
Road - Races - Triathlon - Cotswold 113 2015 - run 14 Jun 15 09:15 1:47:23 12.569 7.02 8:33 151 159 7:21 65view on os maps 7:34  7:21  8:05  7:35  8:34  7:45  8:26  7:56  9:41  8:48  10:52  9:47  8:49 Saucony Type A6 Rubbish run, felt so hard, can't even fully blame my sore foot. My ankles were very sore for the start and then I just had no oomph, walked quite a bit at the end
Road - Races - Triathlon - Llanelli Sprint tri - May 2015 17 May 15 09:07 19:34 3.070 9.41 6:22 159 166 6:12 124view on os maps 6:32  6:26  6:12  5:46 Saucony Type A6 Feet were cold when I started running, but pace was good and just got better abd better - great run after super fast bike ride
Road - Races - 20150504 Cardiff Bay 5 mile 04 May 15 11:01 31:17 4.993 9.58 6:16 172 177 5:58 31view on os maps 5:58  6:10  6:23  6:33  6:17 Saucony Type A6 Did the 2k fun run with Dan half an hour earlier and then lined up in good time. Goal time was 31 mins, 6:12 min/mile. I started off well, possibly too quick, but was on pac euntil the 4th mile. It was into the wind up the barrage and I struggled. Had the wind on the way back for the final mile abut 10+ people overtook me in the last half mile. I sprinted for the last 100m.   A hard race, but some new records, and if I can do another 6:25 mile I'd be on on for a new 10k record easily.
Road - Races - Triathlon - 20150425 Laguna Indoor Sprint Tri 25 Apr 15 08:06 19:28 3.107 9.58 6:16 169 174 6:16 0view on os maps 6:16  6:16  6:16  6:16 Saucony Type A6
Road - Races - Triathlon - 20150412 Carmarthen Sprint Triathlon - run 12 Apr 15 10:48 19:37 3.024 9.25 6:29 162 170 6:18 86view on os maps 6:18  6:28  6:42  5:59 Saucony Type A6
Road - Races - Duathlon - Chilly Duathlon 2015 ? Run 2 22 Feb 15 12:39 13:18 1.937 8.74 6:52 166 170 7:05 58view on os maps 7:05  6:37 Saucony Type A6
Road - Races - Duathlon - Chilly Duathlon 2015 ? Run 1 22 Feb 15 11:59 12:14 1.955 9.59 6:15 169 176 6:13 49view on os maps 6:13  6:18 Saucony Type A6
Road - Races - 20141116 Cardiff Mo?Run 10k 16 Nov 14 10:10 39:27 6.112 9.30 6:27 170 175 6:23 75view on os maps 6:23  6:25  6:24  6:38  6:28  6:31  5:43 Saucony Type A6
Road - Races - 20141005 Cardiff half marathon 05 Oct 14 09:00 1:26:45 13.149 9.09 6:36 168 174 6:27 145view on os maps 6:28  6:27  6:39  6:36  6:36  6:36  6:32  6:37  6:34  6:43  6:44  6:45  6:32  6:20 Saucony Type A6 This run was 3 weeks after the Ironman, and just 6 weeks after my previous half at the Severn Bridge. I didn't think I'd break the Severn Bridge record but was hoping I might beat my Cardiff half previous record of 1:29:30. Usual brekky at 7, drank a small glass of water, ate a banana at 8 then cycled down to work nice and easy. Got changed, faffed, had a gel and 2 ibuprofen at about 8:30, and left the office at 8:40. I thought I'd struggle through the crowds to get around the castle to the white pen but in the end got there with at least 10 mins to spare. Though the night had been cold (6c) standing in the crowd of sub 1:30 runners, about 15 rows back from the front, I wasn't at all cold in my vest and shorts. When the cannon went off we walked a few yards and pretty much started running as we crossed the timing mat. A lot of people were running a little bit faster than me, maybe I started too far up front, but I saw my pace and felt OK so stuck to it. It looks like I slowed down for the 3rd mile even though its flat. The 4th mile has the biggest hill of the run, for about a 3rd of a mile, but the other side is down all the way so the time is recovered. I took a gel at mile 4 and 8, and had a couple of swigs of water at each water stop, though I maintained full pace and didn't stop running at all. After about 6 miles I knew I was ahead of me previous time but it didnt even occue to me that I could beat my half marathon pb. Going up the hill of Roath lake wasn't too bad and I seem to have maintaned pace there, but for some reason struggled coming along the other side, even though some of that was downhill. The last hill up under the bridge got my hr up but I know its mostly down from there. I knew I'd break my cardiff pb now, but still hadn't considered beating the severn bridge time.  My watch had been going off earlier and earlier than the mile markers (and others had too) so it was only in the last mile or so it occurred to me that I might break my pb - but I was pretty tired. I sprinted the last stretch and if you trust endo I did take 13 seconds off it, though my official time was slower. Striaght after the race I was very tired, but not absolutely broken like at the Severn bridge and previous cardiff half's, and within minutes I was serioulsy thinking I could have gone quicker. My hr was also lower than previous runs. I think I set off without thinking I could do it, and feeling I was tired after a lot of races recently, so I didn't really try my very hardest. It does make me think that a sub 1:25 is possible, I just need to find the right race, and be on form. The next day my legs  were very sore when walking, and my calves mostly were equally sore on Tuesday, walking was awkward. On Wednesday I could walk almost normally but they were still sore.
Road - Races - 20140824 Severn Bridge Half marathon 24 Aug 14 09:08 1:26:38 13.070 9.05 6:38 169 180 6:13 296view on os maps 6:18  6:16  6:33  6:47  6:35  6:42  7:25  6:13  6:20  6:36  7:01  6:33  6:54  6:01 Saucony Type A6 With the Ironman in 3 weeks I wasn't sure whether to take it easy (aim for 1:45) or go for a pb, which I knew would be tough and might cause injury... in the end I decided to go for it. Had usual brekky at 6:45 am, and we left at 7:30 and arrived just after 8am. I had half a banana on the way, so maybe 7:45, and drank about 500ml of water on the way. I had a pee at the event village and took 2 Ibuprofen and had a gel at 8:30. Walked the long walk to the start and waited around for 10 mins or so until it started. I wore my new Ronhill superlight shorts, Sugoi piston top, white/grey Beluga? socks and Saucony Type A6 shoes (only worn them for up to 10ks until now, wasn't sure if it was a good idea to wear for a half, but they turned out great, no bliters or toe soreness at all. There was no wind, about 10 C - perfect. The '1:30' pen was literally the start line of the race, so I started maybe 3 people back from the very front line. Looking back down the hill of the bridge the whole carriageway was full of runners behind. From the start it was slightly uphill over the main bridge, but straight away my pace was fast - 6:20ish. After cresting the hill it was downhill for a mile or 2 and the pace was well up, easily sub 20min for the first 5 k. I felt good though, running well within my limits.The next 3 miles had the occasional short inclines but nothing major, though it certainly wasn't pancake flat. I knew a hard hill was coming up... I took a bottle of water at the 5k mark and swalled 2 or 3 mouthfuls but ouldn't manage more without breathing wrong. After 6 miles we finally came to 'the hill' - it wasn't long, but it was steep! A few people were walking up (and I was probably within the first 50 runners so none of these were slow) but I managed to 'run' all the way up, but my breathing was very heavy by the top. I did know that the next 2.5 miles were downhill after it though, so I figured I could relax a bit on that. And they were right. My fastest 5k was just after that hill so it surely was down all the way! By mile 10 I was feeling the pace but knew I only had a 5k to go, and at one point my average pace had been 6:33, well below my target of 6:40 for a new pb. We could see the bridge towers now, but I knew a mile or two would be uphill onto and over the middle of the bridge and I started to struggle. I'd opened the 1st of the 2 gels I was carrying at mile 3, and took 3 miles to sip away at it. I took a swig of water at the 10km mark, and then at mile 7 opened my second gel and again just took little swigs. At the 15km water station I took a bottle, drank a little and poured the rest over my head to 'refresh' me. The mile up to the middle of the hill was very hard and I knew I was slowing down. It wasn't steep but it was long, and I was at 7min/mile - was I going to lose my pb? I knew I should be able to pick up again down the other side of the bridge but in reality I only stopped slowing down. I got it back to 6:30 for that last downhill. It went flat for a while, and then we came off the motorway and downhill under neath it, nice - but then a nasty sting as we had to go uphill, only shjort but reasonably steep to just before the finish - I was knackered but knew I had a pb now. I ran over the finish line and had to lie down - what a great run! That night my legs were achey all night, so I went on the turbo for 20 mins the next morning which seemed to help  
Road - Races - Triathlon - 20140810 Liverpool tri - run 10 Aug 14 08:58 40:45 5.960 8.78 6:50 161 167 6:43 177view on os maps 6:52  6:43  6:45  6:55  6:43  7:04 Saucony Type A6 Another tough run, in the rain. Both big toes were numb from the cold wet bike ride for the first 2 miles, then slowly the right foot thawed out and felt OK, but my fractured left foot continued to feel odd the whole run. Very glad to run at sub 7 min pace, it was really windy in places, and there was a short section of cobblestones that were very uncomfortable to run on. was totally knackered at the end. The following day my toe is not too bad, but my right knee is very sore when cycling or walking up stairs.
Road - Races - Triathlon - 20140629 Bristol Tri 29 Jun 14 13:12 43:39 6.073 8.35 7:11 162 168 7:05 96view on os maps 7:05  7:07  7:06  7:08  7:16  7:31  6:08 Saucony Type A6 A very tough run, think I overdid the bike so simply had nothing left. I knew I was slower than normal as my pace was over 7 mins, sometimes 7:30... A lot of the run was on unpaved gravel track which was a bit uncomfortable too. Very glad to finish this one.
Road - Races - Triathlon - 20140615 Porthcawl Olympic Tri 15 Jun 14 09:11 42:01 6.168 8.81 6:49 161 169 6:38 100view on os maps 6:38  6:46  6:52  6:51  6:56  6:55  6:16 Saucony Type A6 Tough run after fast bike. First time wearing the A6's barefoot, and only previously run 2 5kms in them - they ruined my feet! Right foot heel was covered in blood after a blister built up and burst during the run (I could feel it but didnt realise it was that bad), top of bony bits behind left foot big toe have had the skin rubbed off and are very sensitive; and both little toes have blisters on the outside, clearly the shoes are toe narrow in the toe box. Not sure if I'll go sockless at Bristol in 2 weeks. Otherwise it was a good run, started fast and maintained a decent pace. Second lap was only 2 seconds slower than first lap.
Road - Races - Triathlon - Bedford Olympic Tri - Run 07 Jul 13 09:49 46:50 6.117 7.84 7:39 165 180 7:03 91view on os maps 7:03  7:43  7:39  8:03  8:09  7:28  6:24 Saucony Type A6
Totals (19 runs) 17:23:13 140.74 8.09 7:25 164       

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