HOME / Brian and Charlotte / Running / Road / Races » Running stats for trailroc245
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Location Date/Time of run Run   duration   (mm:ss) Run  distance  (miles) Average Speed (mph)      Average      Pace (m:ss/mile) Average Heart Rate Max  Heart  Rate   Fastest   Mile (m:ss)  Elevation  gain (m) Map Each Mile (m:ss) Shoes Comment
Road - Races - Duathlon - 20190414 Cosmeston - run 2 14 Apr 19 08:23 09:54 1.506 9.13 6:34 157 162 6:41 0view on os maps 6:41  6:21 Trailroc 245
Road - Races - Duathlon - 20190414 Cosmeston - run 1 14 Apr 19 07:30 18:23 2.913 9.51 6:19 163 170 6:06 0view on os maps 6:06  6:28  6:23 Trailroc 245
Road - Races - Triathlon - 20180923 Sandman tri - run 23 Sep 18 11:39 42:18 5.991 8.50 7:04 161 169 6:39 3779view on os maps 6:51  6:39  7:14  7:20  6:51  7:28 Trailroc 245
Road - Races - 20180408 Kymin Dash 08 Apr 18 11:00 48:45 6.937 8.54 7:02 164 173 6:09 287view on os maps 9:22  7:11  6:46  6:26  6:09  6:49  6:25 Trailroc 245 Starts with a 1.5 mile tarmc climb, then mostly downhill or flat, on mud / forest roads, final bit is flat and fast. 20th out of 295. Hard but will do again
Totals (4 runs) 1:59:20 17.35 8.72 6:53 161       

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