HOME / Brian and Charlotte / Running / Road / Around home / 11 miles » Running stats
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Location Date/Time of run Run   duration   (mm:ss) Run  distance  (miles) Average Speed (mph)      Average      Pace (m:ss/mile) Average Heart Rate Max  Heart  Rate   Fastest   Mile (m:ss)  Elevation  gain (m) Map Each Mile (m:ss) Shoes Comment
Road - Around home - 11 miles - activity_9239323743 20 Jul 22 11:10 1:32:44 10.959 7.09 8:28 135 156 8:05 159view on os maps 8:47  8:23  8:25  8:32  8:49  8:45  8:34  8:16  8:41  8:05  7:45 Altra Escalante 2.5
Road - Around home - 11 miles - 20200212_060430 12 Feb 20 06:04 1:27:12 11.027 7.59 7:54 134 152 7:31 243view on os maps 8:26  8:05  7:54  7:54  8:00  7:53  7:47  7:47  7:58  7:45  7:31  7:08 Altra One 25
Road - Around home - 11 miles - 20191207_082602 07 Dec 19 09:02 19:43 3.085 9.39 6:24 161 197 6:15 169view on os maps 6:15  6:25  6:31  6:27 Altra One 25 19:42 park run in there
Road - Around home - 11 miles - 20191123 activity_4276729012 23 Nov 19 08:36 07:40 0.990 7.75 7:45 148 169 0 160view on os maps 7:45 Altra One 25
Road - Around home - 11 miles - 20191019_072747 19 Oct 19 08:27 1:27:17 11.137 7.66 7:50 146 167 6:01 164view on os maps 7:48  7:57  7:58  12:14  6:01  6:13  6:48  7:53  7:55  7:48  7:47  7:43 Altra One 25
Road - Around home - 11 miles - 20180930_075917 30 Sep 18 08:59 1:26:35 11.537 8.00 7:30 145 161 7:22 183view on os maps 7:38  7:29  7:22  7:26  7:28  7:26  7:30  7:35  7:32  7:38  7:34  7:22 Altra One 25
Road - Around home - 11 miles - 20170723_071427 23 Jul 17 08:14 1:25:21 10.979 7.72 7:46 144 157 7:35 271view on os maps 7:58  8:10  8:00  7:52  7:41  7:44  7:41  7:35  7:35  7:38  7:37 Saucony Type A6 (3) Biblicly wet, quite cold afterwards
Road - Around home - 11 miles - 20120711 around home 11 miles 11 Jul 12 18:30 1:21:20 10.993 8.11 7:24 161 175 7:13 192view on os maps 7:24  7:13  7:29  7:33  7:36  7:19  7:22  7:18  7:24  7:20  7:24 Nike Vomero+ 5 The plan was 10 miles, but the last mile was fast (downhill) so I kept going back to the start point which ended up being very nearly 11 miles. Fastest pace for this distance so pretty chuffed with the results. I think I could have kept it going for another 2 miles o get a half marathon record, but it would have been tough! A good run, hard but not terrible. My right lower leg/ankle felt really quite odd for the first several miles, not hurt so much as odd... stopped noticing it about haklf way round. No real pain after the run or the following day, ankles are definately sore but nothing unexpected; feet are fine. The usual two toes on left foot were hurting after the run, with the starts of blisters. I took the running rucsac, with 1litre of water and 10 jelly babies, but was getting stomach cramps/stitch after the first jelly baby and drink so onyl had a few more, maybe every three miles or so, and didnt notice any more issues.
Totals (8 runs) 9:07:52 70.71 7.74 7:45 147       

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