HOME / Brian and Charlotte / Scotland / Scotland May 2007
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At the end of April / start of May 2007 we spent a week driving around Scotland searching for mountain bike routes we hadn't done before.

We visited 10 different areas in 9 days, cycling a total of 128 miles, climbing a total of 7333 meters (according to the garmin Edge), and drove a total of just over 2000 miles. We camped at three different campsites, and when not cycling took a long drive through the mountains to John O'Groates, and visited the odd castle...

The weather, unbelievably, was brilliant! Literally blue, cloudless skys from Saturday through to Saturday, with just a little rain on the last Sunday (it did get cold at night though, with ground frost on one or two nights).

The mountain bike photos, movies and routes are in the Mountain Biking section of the website (from Drumlanrig to Innerleithen)

Scotland/Scotland May 2007/Tweedside Campsite
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/Traquair Castle
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5010010
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5010011
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5010012
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5010013
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/Brora Campsite
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/Dunrobin Castle
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5020021
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/Pano - 81
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/Pano - 82
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5020056
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5020057
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5020059
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5020061
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5020063
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/Pano - 70
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5020078
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5020080
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5020081
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5020085
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5020086
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5020089
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5020090cs3
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5030001
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/P5030003
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/Barnsoul Farm Campsite
Scotland/Scotland May 2007/Mountain Biking routes Summary
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